
Sunday 8 May 2011

*NEWS* Bin Laden Dead...Lil B becomes new public enemy number 1....

As you all should know by kno...Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (Osama Bin Laden for short) is dead. He was killed by US military on the 2nd of May 2011 in a raid known as Operation Neptune Spear. Ok enough with all the technical talk...that nigga dead as you kno. Well everybody was celebrating this fact...understandable too...he killed alot of people. There were even club nights dedicated to this fact. As news spread and people caught wind of it...tweeter started goin nuts...and with tweeter comes celebrity.

Lady Gaga wrote "Just landed. Watching CNN, what a historical moment in the fight against hatred."

Paris Hilton said "Just landed back in L.A., so happy to hear the news of Osama bin Laden's death. He was the face of terrorism and such an evil man. The world is a much better place with him not in it"

Kimora Lee wrote "Thousands gather outside #WhiteHouse Gate! Osama bin Laden killed by US troops n Pakistan. #cheering #justice #OBAMA #9/11 #USNavySeals #fb"

Katy Perry wrote "I believe in justice... but don't u think that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind? #revolutioncomesthroughlove #worldpeace"

It looked like everyone was goin to bask in the glory of the worlds most famous criminals demise. Well not everyone...enter Lil B. Lil B as you know isnt everyones cup of tea...his rap style and music has been critisised and he recently announced his album is goin to be called 'Im Gay.' Make of it what you will he certainly knows how to get people talking about him thats for sure. This time though may have been the straw that broke the camels back.

So while everybody was rejoicing Lil B descided to tweet the following:

As real as he is trying to expected he was met with backlash...from even some of his own fans. Here he is trying to explain the contreversial tweet. wat do you make of it...clearly he knows about would have to be on a different planet not wats he trying to say...he wasnt involved in 9/11. Kind of goin into conspiracy theories now...oh well ill let you be the judge.

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