
Wednesday 15 September 2010

*NEWS* Jay-Z to invest in Arsenal...???

Lol...its a massive shame really when a man of Jay stature would assosiate himself with such a phony no hate...anyway he is apparently ready to invest in Arsenal...possibly becoming a shareholder.

I heard about this a couple years like 05 but nothin ever really came of he seems ready to make a move....“We would have to spend much more time in London. Bey knows how much I love sports and has known about my interest in Arsenal for a while" He told the Mirror. Billionaire Stan Kroenke who's the current largest shareholder at Arsenal is also one of Jigga's boys and has been trying to get the broolynite on board for quite some time.

“I never want to be a back-seat investor. I want to be on the board, involved in the decision-making… I’m at the stage of my career where I am ready for another investment like this.” Hov continued “I have really got into soccer over the last 10 years and I’ve been saying for some time I want a percentage of Arsenal.”

Lol i let Jay off for this poor decison makin...cant really expect an American to know much about soccer....i mean football do!!!

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