
Sunday 5 September 2010

*NEWS* Kanye apologies to Taylor Swift...over twitter...!!!!

Well i guess the pressure was too much for Kanye...cause last night he had over 70 tweets appologising to Taylor Seems likes its been eating him up inside and yesterday he decided to let hie feelings know...he also claimed he had written a song for tailor which...if she didnt accept it...he would perform for her.

"I wrote a song for Taylor Swift that's so beautiful and I want her to have it. If she won't take it then I'll perform it for her," he tweeted.

"“I’m sorry Taylor,” he also wrote..."She had nothing to do with my issues with award shows. She had no idea what hit her. She's just a lil girl with dreams like the rest of us."

He also took aim aim at those in the media and the public that demonised him after the event.... "People tweeted that they wish I was dead... No listen. They wanted me to die people. I carry that. I smile and take pictures through that"

All this before the VMA's next this is gonna be the reunion of the i kid..i kid...still its gonna be epic

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